Thursday, 15 January 2009

RADIO SHOWS + Live performance

The new GUY MANNING album "NUMBER TEN", will be given its now traditional annual Radio show launch in 3 countries this year!!

1. USA - Join Don Cassidy at Internet Radio Station Delicious Agony
(2PM EST/7pm UK) on Sat 17th Jan.

Full album play through, pre-recorded interview and Guy on hand in the chat room during the show to answer your questions etc.

2. UK - Sunday 18th January. Guy along with David Million will join Paul Baker for the Radio ARFm Prog Soundscapes show 3-6pm UK time. The album will be reviewed, there will be live chat plus Guy & Dave will perform a few songs acoustically and live!

3. Jason 'Progdog' will be launching the album in Canada! - Detailsto follow

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