Thursday, 16 January 2014

Manning 'band' retires!

Statement from Guy Manning "I wanted to keep you posted as to the current status of the MANNING 'band' The 'band' line-up has been ongoing, with various members leaving and joining since 2008. Whilst I have been the constant, this has provided highs and lows for both myself and the members alike. After much soul searching, I have decided that it is time that this current line-up reach its natural 'end of life'. I am sure that I will be working individually with the folks on future projects, but for now, we are to go our separate ways. It has been a great deal of both hard work and much fun - the live shows were all good and the albums we have produced as an ensemble have been very well received indeed! I wish each and every member of the Manning Band lineups all the very best and more news about their own activities will no doubt surface very soon Guy... For myself, I am still writing new material. I have 2 "Projects" on the go at this time: a) AKOUSTIK #2 ...more songs re-interpreted in an acoustic setting from the long Manning back catalogue plus, some new acoustic based pieces that did not fit previously anywhere b) A new large scale concept album. This is very likely to be a long term complex and involved project so I am not sure when (or if) this will see the light of day yet! or who will be involved in its production. I feel no sense of urgency or ticking clock to get things out there in 2014...I am ambling along with some time to reflect, work a little and I am happy to just see where the current takes me ......short term! (I get bored easily) In terms of more live appearances, some solo or small line-up (most probably AKOUSTIK) shows are likely to be arranged in 2014. So please stay tuned! Is there anybody out there?... Meanwhile, it would be very nice indeed to work with other people too,on new music etc ...just as a writer, player, singer (not a leader!). If anyone has any collaborations they'd like to discuss or thoughts as to how I may get involved with any other Projects, then please drop me a line at So, thanks, once again, to the loyal Manning supporters out there for listening to the music! There will be more! Hope to see you soon Guy (Manning)"

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